FogQuest receives a constant flow of requests for mesh and for complete fog collectors. We assist individuals and other groups that are starting evaluations of fog collection at sites by selling small to moderate amounts of mesh. We encourage everyone to build their own small Standard Fog Collectors as this is a good learning process for anyone truly interested in fog collection. There is information in our FogQuest manual on how to do this. Also, even shipping the small one square meter SFC is expensive and it is impossible to do so with the 40 square meter Large Fog Collectors.
One of our members, Prof. Daniel Fernandez, at California State University, Monterey Bay, has now started a new business to provide a source of the same Marienberg Raschel mesh that FogQuest uses in its fog collectors. His company Bayside Fog Collectors will also sell assembled SFCs. The primary market is people in California. This is an alternative source of mesh and assembled SFCs that some of you may wish to consider. The company website and a contact email address are given here.