Guatemala – Nicaragua : Can you help?

Note – this post was updated on December 05, 2016


Nicolas Zanetta, from Chile, will be travelling to Nicaragua and Guatemala in the middle of December. In Nicaragua he will spend a few days working with the NGO, Apapachoa, to begin the evaluation of a new site in the mountains south of Managua. Nicolas will set up Standard Fog Collectors to see whether there is sufficient fog water through the winter time to support market gardens for the local people. He will then go on to Guatemala.

The images above were taken at our project site in Tojquia, Guatemala, where we have a installation of 35 large fog collectors.  FogQuest is using this system to help provide clean drinking water to this rural mountain community. The large fog collectors have provided about 7000 L of water a day during the dry season to the people of Tojquia for over 10 years.

The community has asked for help with an expansion of the current system and we are providing two more water tanks, similar to those pictured here. Nicolas will also work with the community to assess what maintenance night be needed on the existing fog collectors and will discuss the construction of new fog collectors with them. The tanks cost about $360 USD each, and a roll of mesh is $150 USD.  Some of the funds for the trip came from our recent Gofundme campaign.

A donation of any size is appreciated and will help this successful project to continue to grow. The work of installing the tanks at two new village homes will be done by the villagers themselves.

Two donation links can be found on our homepage – you may use either CanadaHelps or PayPal – thanks!