Conference July 2010
The 5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew was held in Muenster, Germany in late July. More information can be found here. Melissa Rosato gave a paper on the Tojquia water project (see here) that she co-authored with Fernanda Rojas and Robert Schemenauer. The title of the paper is:
Not just beneficiaries: fostering participation and local management capacity in the Tojquia fog-collection project, Guatemala.
The file is linked below:
Rosato, Rojas, Schemenauer 2010 Final Draft
Robert Schemenauer gave an invited overview paper on fog collection at the conference. This helped spur interest in careful comparisons of new materials that may be useful in future versions of fog collectors. FogQuest encourages such comparisons and can provide Raschel mesh, which is used in our Standard Fog Collectors and our Large Fog Collectors, to interested groups.