Tag Archives: fogquest

Guatemala – Expanded Project March 2010

Guatemala – Expanded Project March 2010

Two wonderful FogQuest volunteers, Melissa Rosato from Canada, and Fernanda Rojas from Chile, were in Tojquia from 11 to 21 February to do maintenance on the existing fog-water installation and to work with the villagers to install four more family fog collectors. There are now 30 functional Large Fog Collectors in Tojquia. This is the largest project in the world. Please see the story in the Current Projects section.

Tech Museum Permanent Gallery September 2009

Tech Museum Permanent Gallery
September 2009

The Tech Museum in San Jose, California, opened a new permanent gallery called “Technology benefiting humanity” on 1 September 2009. It includes the great work of some of The Tech Laureates over the years. Included among the 11 works chosen to be presented is FogQuest. Indeed, it is positioned near the beginning of the exhibition. Please see the entry in the Awards & Honours section of our website for more information.

tech awards

New Book Contribution – August 2009

New Book Contribution – August 2009

A new book contribution by Robert S. Schemenauer was published this month in a sophmore university text, by Thomas V. Cech, in the USA. The citation is:

Schemenauer, R.S.: Fog harvesting, pp. 41-46. Book contribution in:

Principles of Water Resources, History, Development, Management, and Policy, 3rd Edition, by Thomas V. Cech, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2010, pp. 546.

New Fog Collection Project in Peru – July 2009

New Fog Collection Project in Peru – July 2009

The National Geographic Society in the USA has sponsored the construction of fog collectors for a community near Lima, Peru. The work was guided by two people from Germany and uses the fog collector design originally developed in Chile in the 1980s and utilized by FogQuest since its first projects in 2001. Read more here:http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/07/090709-fog-catchers-peru-water-missions.html