Many peer-reviewed papers have been published on the scientific issues related to fog and fog collection. In addition there are many conference papers that have been published. The list, of more than 100 papers, presented here as a PDF file shows papers published by Robert S. Schemenauer, the Executive Director of FogQuest. There are also many papers published by other FogQuest members and by other scientists and development workers. Relevant papers can be found in different disciplines, e.g. cloud physics, mountain meteorology, tropical montane cloud forests, mountain hydrology, water sources for development projects, etc.
The papers can be found in university and institutional libraries or by contacting the authors directly. In addition, the four conference proceedings (see the Conferences section of the FogQuest website) published to date contain in total about 500 four-page papers on fog, fog collection, and dew. FogQuest has a searchable database of about 3500 papers that at some point we would like to have activated in our Member’s Section; however, no date for the completion of this task is available.
The list is provided for information and research purposes only. FogQuest is not in a position to provide copies of these papers. A set of about 40 papers, by a variety of authors, is available in the Member’s Section of this website to current FogQuest members. We hope to expand that set of papers as time permits.
Publications On Fog, Fog Collection, and Air Pollution
1986 to 2022 – Robert S. Schemenauer,
Executive Director, FogQuest
Recognized Scientific Journals, Books, On-line Journals
and Book Chapters
A PDF document of this refence list is available here.
2022 Schemenauer, R. S., P. Cereceda and P. Osses; FogQuest: Fog Water Collection Manual. Published by FogQuest: sustainable water solutions, Toronto, Canada, January 2022, 3rd Edition, pp 166. Available in print and electronic formats. Link to order is on
2021 Chang, S-C and R.S. Schemenauer: Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements: Ed. Thomas Foken, ISBN 978-3-030-52170-7, pp 1748; Part E: Complex Measuring Systems – Methods and Applications, Chapter 53, Fog Deposition, pp 1425-1444.
2018 Schemenauer, R.S.: Fog harvesting, pp. 41-46. Guest essay (pp 45-48) in Principles of Water Resources, History, Development, Management, and Policy, 4th Edition EPUB, by Thomas V. Cech, John Wiley & Sons, USA, California, Hawaii, 2018, pp. 546.
2017 Schemenauer, R. S., P. Cereceda and P. Osses; FogQuest: Fog Water Collection Manual. Published by FogQuest: sustainable water solutions, Toronto, Canada, 2nd Edition, October 2017, pp 150. No longer available in print and electronic formats. Has been replaced on by the 2022 edition.
2015 Schemenauer, R. S., I. Gultepe, and M. Witiw: Blind vision: the impact of fog on ecosystems and society. Meteorology Technology International, April, pp 50-54.
2012 Klemm, Otto, Robert S. Schemenauer, Anne Lummerich, Pilar Cereceda, Victoria Marzol, David Corell, Johan van Heerden, Dirk Reinhard, Tseggai Gherezghiher, Jana Olivier1, Pablo Osses, Jamal Sarsour, Ernst Frost, María Estrela, José Valiente, and Gebregiorgis Mussie Fessehaye: Fog as a Fresh-water resource: overview and perspectives. AMBIO, Vol. 41, Issue 3, pp 221-234.
2009 Schemenauer, R.S.: Fog harvesting, pp. 41-46. Book contribution in Principles of Water Resources, History, Development, Management, and Policy, 3rd Edition, by Thomas V. Cech, John Wiley & Sons, USA, California, Hawaii, 2010, pp. 546.
2008 Vallejo, R., C. Steinitz, L. Rojo, F. Luizao, M. Millan, A. Pulido, R. Schemenauer, C. Gracia, J. Ruiz de la Torre, J.J. Ramirez, J. Cortina, M. Acevedo, F. Prieto, C. Kirketerp, J. Bosco Senra, J. Botley, D. Gomez Orea, J.F. Bellot and S. Gonzalez Alonso. Positioning Doc. in the book Expoagua Zaragoza-2008 S.A./Turner ed. , 2009. Documento Final de las Semanas Temáticas. Tribuna del Agua. Expo Zaragoza 2008. Zaragoza. ISBN: 978-84-935471-5-8, in the text on pp. 25-76, and on DVD pp. 4-50.
2008 Schemenauer, R.S.: Fog: a sustainable source of water for people, forests and afforestation. Book contribution in Expoagua Zaragoza-2008 S.A./Turner ed. , 2009. Documento Final de las Semanas Temáticas. Tribuna del Agua. Expo Zaragoza 2008. Zaragoza. ISBN: 978-84-935471-5-8, appears on DVD pp. 191-200.
2005 Schemenauer, R. S., P. Cereceda and P. Osses; FogQuest: Fog Water Collection Manual. Published by FogQuest: sustainable water solutions, Toronto, Canada, 31 March 2005, pp 94. Contact information
2003 Cereceda, P., M. Farías, P. Osses, R.S. Schemenauer and H. Larrain: Remote sensing: methods and techniques to determine potential areas for fog water collection. Book contribution for 11th Intl. Rainwater Catchment Systems Assoc. meeting, Texcoco, Mexico, 25-29 August, pp. 20. Available on CD.
2003 Schemenauer, R.S., P. Cereceda and P. Osses: The Complementary aspects of projects to collect rain, fog and dew. Book contribution for 11th Intl. Rainwater Catchment Systems Assoc. meeting, Texcoco, Mexico, 25-29 August, pp. 20. Available on CD.
2003 Shanyengana, E.S., R.D. Sanderson, M.K. Seely and R.S. Schemenauer: Testing greenhouse shade nets for the collection of fog for use as a water supply. J. Water Supply: Research & Technology-AQUA (London, UK), 52.3, 237-241.
2002 Cereceda, P., P. Osses, H. Larrain, M. Farías, M. Lagos, R. Pinto and R. S. Schemenauer: Advective, orographic and radiation fog in the Tarapacá Region, Chile. Atmospheric Research, 64, Iss. 1-4, 261-271.
2002 Larrain, H., F. Velasquez, R. Espejo, R. Pinto, P. Cereceda, P. Osses and R. S. Schemenauer: Fog Measurements at the site “Falda Verde” north of Chanaral compared with other fog stations of Chile. Atmospheric Research, 64, Iss. 1-4, 273-284.
2001 Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds.: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 536.
2001 Cereceda, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: La ciencia al servicio del ordenamiento territorial, Caso de estudio:la niebla. Seminar on Regional Planning, Santiago, Chile. Case study: the Fog. Book Chapter, published by Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, pp. 141-152.
2000 Lin, Z.-Q., V. Cervinka, R.S. Schemenauer, A. Zayed and N. Terry: Selenium volatilization from the soil-Salicornia bigelovii Torr. system for the remediation of contaminated water and soil in the San Joaquin Valley. J. Environ. Quality, 29, 1048-1056.
2000 Walmsley, J.L., Urquizo, N., Brook, J.R., Burrows, W.R. and Schemenauer, R.S.: Modeling the Deposition of Acid Fog to High-Elevation Forests: Liquid Water Content and Sulfate Concentration. NATO/CCMS Intl. Tech. Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, Varna, Bulgaria, 28 Sept. to 2 Oct. 1998, in S.-E. Gryning and E. Batchvarova (eds.), Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, 13, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 661-669.
2000 Cereceda, P., H. Larrain, P. Lázaro, P. Osses, R.S. Schemenauer and X. Boroevic: La niebla, agua potable para zonas rurales. Revista Geográfica de Chile Terra Australis , 45, 143-160.
2000 Osses, P., R.S. Schemenauer, P. Cereceda, H. Larrain and C. Correa: Los atrapanieblas del Santuario Padre Hurtado y sus proyecciones en el combate a la desertificación. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 27, 61-67.
2000 Cereceda, P., H. Larrain, P. Osses, P. Lazaro, R.S. Schemenauer and X. Boroevic: Los atrapanieblas, tecnología alternativa para el desarrollo rural. Revista Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, Cipma, XVI, No. 4, 51-56.
1999 Walmsley, J.L., W.R. Burrows and R.S. Schemenauer: The use of routine observations to calculate liquid water content in summertime high-elevation fog. J. Applied Meteorology, 33, 369-384.
1999 Cereceda, P., H. Larrain, P. Lázaro, P. Osses, R.S. Schemenauer and L. Fuentes: Campos de tillandsias y niebla en el desierto de Atacama. Revista Norte Grande (Chile), 26, 3-13.
1998 Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds.: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 492.
1998 Osses, P., P. Cereceda, R.S. Schemenauer, H. Larrain and P. Lázaro: Diferencias y similitudes de la niebla entre Iquique (Chile) y Mejía (Perú). Revista Norte Grande (Chile), 25, 7-13.
1998 Urquizo,N., J.L. Walmsley, W.R. Burrows, R.S. Schemenauer and J.R. Brook : Application of the CART and NFIS statistical analyses to fogwater and the deposition of wet sulphate in mountainous terrain. Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, 12, Plenum Press, New York, S-E. Gryning and E. Batchvarova, Editors, 409-417.
1998 Eckardt, F.D. and R.S. Schemenauer: Fogwater chemistry in the Namib Desert, Namibia. Atmos. Environ., 32, No. 14/15, 2595-2599.
1997 Lin, Z.Q., R.S. Schemenauer, P.H. Schuepp, N.N. Barthakur and G. Kennedy: Airborne metal pollutants in high elevation forests of southern Quebec, Canada, and their likely source regions. J. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 87, 41-54.
1997 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: Fog collection. Tiempo (UK), 26, December, 17-21.
1997 Cereceda, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: Agua en el aire. Revista Universitaria (Chile), 56, 45-49.
1997 Cereceda, P., R.S. Schemenauer and F. Velásquez: Variación temporal de la niebla en El Tofo-Chungungo, Región de Coquimbo, Chile. Revista Geográfica Norte Grande (Chile), 24, 191-193.
1997 Cereceda, P., H. Larrain, P. Osses, P. Lázaro, R.S. Schemenauer, J.L. García and V. Hernández: El factor clima en la floracíon del desierto en los años AEl Niño@ 1991 y 1997. Revista Norte Grande (Chile), 27, 37-52.
1997 Marzol, M.V., P. Cereceda, R.S. Schemenauer and C. Castro: Caracterización de la pluviosidad de Bahía Cumberland (Isla Robinson Crusoe, Chile). Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, Univ. de la Rioja (Spain), 22-23, 97-114.
1996 Banic, C.M., R.S. Schemenauer, K.G. Anlauf and K.I.A. MacQuarrie: Evaluation of the acid deposition and oxidant model with ozone and sulphur dioxide data from high elevation sites. Physics in Canada, 52, 72-76 and 80.
1996 Walmsley, J.L., R.S. Schemenauer and H.A. Bridgman: A method for estimating the hydrologic input from fog in mountainous terrain. J. Applied Meteor., 35, 2237-2249.
1996 Cereceda, P., R.S. Schemenauer, P. Osses, R. Ponce and C. Castro: Comportamiento de las precipitaciones en cinco sectores de la isla Robinson Crusoe durante los inviernos de los años 1992 a 1995. Revista Terra Australis, 41, 37-48.
1996 Cereceda, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: Calidad química de las aguadas costeras e hidrogeomorfología del Norte de la IV Región de Chile. Geoespacios, Revista Geográfica de la Universidad de la Serena, 10, 11-60.
1995 Lin, Z.Q., P.H. Schuepp, R.S. Schemenauer and G.G. Kennedy: Trace metal contamination in and on Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamea (L) Mill.) foliage in southern Quebec, Canada. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 81, 175-191.
1995 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: Reply to : Comments on “A proposed standard fog collector for use in high elevation regions.” J. Appl. Meteor., 34, 2111-2112.
1995 Schemenauer, R.S., C.M. Banic and N. Urquizo: High elevation fog and precipitation chemistry in southern Quebec, Canada. Atmospheric Environment, 29, 2235-2252.
1994 Bridgman, H.A., J.L. Walmsley and R.S. Schemenauer: Modelling the spatial variations of wind speed and direction on Roundtop Mountain, Quebec. Atmosphere-Ocean, 32, 605-619. (Canada).
1994 Cereceda, P., R.S. Schemenauer and H. Zunino: Distribución de la precipitación en Isla Robinson Crusoe. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 21, 33-36.
1994 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: A proposed standard fog collector for use in high elevation regions. J. Applied Meteorology, 33, 1313-1322.
1994 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: The role of wind in rainwater catchment and fog collection. Water International, 19, 70-76.
1994 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: Fog collection’s role in water planning for developing countries. Natural Resources Forum, 18, 91-100, United Nations, New York.
1993 Cereceda, P., R.S. Schemenauer, K.G. Anlauf and E. González: Excedencias de ozono de superficie en dos lugares de Santiago de Chile. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 20, 7-11.
1993 Cereceda, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: La Percepción de los consumidores de agua potable de nieblas costeras de Chungungo, Chile. Rev. Geográfica de Chile Terra Australis, 38, 7-18. Published in December 1995.
1993 Cereceda, P., R.S. Schemenauer and M. Suit: Producción de agua de niebla en Perú. Alisios, #3, 63-74.
1993 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: Meteorological conditions at a coastal fog collection site in Peru. Atmósfera, 6, 175-188.
1993 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: Fog as an alternative to rainwater collection. J. Intl. Rainwater Catchment Systems, 1, #1, 33-35.
1992 Courchesne, F., W.H. Hendershot and R.S. Schemenauer: Soil acidification along a topographic gradient on Roundtop Mountain, Quebec, Canada. Water, Air & Soil Pollution (USA, California, Hawaii), 61, 235-242.
1992 Cereceda, P., R.S. Schemenauer and M. Suit: An alternative water supply for Chilean coastal desert villages. Intl. J. Water Resources Development, 8, 53-59.
1992 Cereceda, P., R.S. Schemenauer and R. Valencia: Posibilidades de abastecimiento de agua de niebla en localidades costeras de Antofagasta. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 19, 3-14.
1992 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: Monsoon cloud water chemistry on the Arabian Peninsula. Atmospheric Environment, 26A, 1583-1587.
1992 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: Water from fog covered mountains. Waterlines, 10, 10-13.
1992 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: The quality of fog water collected for domestic and agricultural use in Chile. J. Applied Meteorology, 31, #3, 275-290.
1991 Comtois, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: Tree pollen viability in areas of high pollutant deposition. Aerobiologia (Italy), 7, 144-151.
1991 Cereceda, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: The occurrence of fog in Chile. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 30, #8, 1097-1105.
1991 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: Fog water collection in arid coastal locations. Ambio, 20, #7, 303-308.
1990 Cereceda-Troncoso, P., J. Barros and R.S. Schemenauer: Las nieblas costeras de Chile y Oman similitudes y diferencias. Rev. Geográfica de Chile Terra Australis, 33, 49-60.
1989 Barrie, L.A. and R.S. Schemenauer: Wet deposition of heavy metals. In, Control and Fate of Atmospheric Trace Metals, J.M. Pacyna and B. Ottar (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 203-231.
1989 Valente, R.J., R.K.A.M. Mallant, S.E. McLaren, R.S. Schemenauer and R.E. Stogner: Field intercomparison of ground-based cloud physics instruments at Whitetop Mountain, Virginia. J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Tech., 6, 396-406.
1989 Schemenauer, R.S.: Fog water to quench a desert’s thirst. J. Weather Assoc. Japan, 1, 8-10.
1989 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Joe: The collection efficiency of a massive fog collector. Atmospheric Research, 24, 53-69.
1988 Barrie, L.A. and R.S. Schemenauer, 1988: Wet deposition of heavy metals. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Control and Fate of Atmospheric Trace Metals. J.M. Pacyna and B. Ottar (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publs., 203-231.
1988 Schemenauer, R.S., P.H. Schuepp, S. Kermasha and P. Cereceda: Measurements of the properties of high elevation fog in Quebec, Canada. In, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Acid Deposition at_High Elevation Sites, M.H. Unsworth and D. Fowler (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 359-374.
1988 Schuepp, P.H., D.N. McGerrigle, H.G. Leighton, G. Paquette, R.S. Schemenauer and S. Kermasha: Observations on wet and dry deposition to foliage at a high elevation site. In, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Acid Deposition at High Elevation Sites, M.H. Unsworth and D. Fowler (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 615-637.
1988 Strapp, J.W., W.R. Leaitch, K.G. Anlauf, J.W. Bottenheim, P. Joe, R.S. Schemenauer, H.A. Wiebe and G.A. Isaac: Winter cloud water and air composition in central Ontario. J. Geophysical Research (USA, California, Hawaii), 93, 3760-3772.
1988 Schemenauer, R.S.: Fog water to quench a desert’s thirst. WMO Bulletin, 37, No.4, 281-286.
1988 Schemenauer, R.S., H. Fuenzalida and P. Cereceda: A neglected water resource: the camanchaca of South America. Bull. of the American Meteorological Society, 69, 138-147.
1987 Cereceda-Troncoso, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: Deterioro de los bosques de Canada por contaminación del aire. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande (Chile), 14, 15-19.
1987 Daum, P.H., T.J. Kelly, J.W. Strapp, W.R. Leaitch, P. Joe, R.S. Schemenauer, G.A. Isaac, K.G. Anlauf and H.A. Wiebe: Chemistry and physics of a winter stratus cloud layer: a case study. J. Geophysical Research, 92, 8426-8436.
1987 Schemenauer, R.S., P. Cereceda and N. Carvajal, 1987: Measurements of fog water deposition and their relationships to terrain features. J. Climate and Applied Meteorology, 26, 1285-1291.
1986 Barrie, L.A. and R.S. Schemenauer: Pollutant wet deposition mechanisms in precipitation and fog water. Water, Air and Soil Pollution (USA, California, Hawaii), 30, 91-104.
1986 Schemenauer, R.S., 1986: Acidic deposition to forests: The 1985 Chemistry of High Elevation Fog Project. Atmosphere-Ocean, 24, 303-328.
Selected Reports
2014a Tsigaris, P. and R.S. Schemenauer, 2014a: Statistical Study of PM2.5 Measured at the Kamloops Federal Building for Years 2011, 2012 and 2013. Prepared for Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment Society (KPHES), 27 June 2014, pp 8. Accessible at:
2014b Tsigaris, P. and R.S. Schemenauer, 2014b: Reconstructing the Historic Database of Annual PM2.5 Values for Kamloops, B.C. by Calculating the Offset between TEOM and BAM Measurements. Prepared for Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment Society (KPHES), 25 July 2014, pp 20. Accessible at:
2015 Tsigaris, P. and R.S. Schemenauer, 2015: The Influence of Prescribed Burning of Wood in the Kamloops Fire Centre on the PM2.5 Values in Kamloops in the Month of November, 2014. Prepared for Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment Society (KPHES), 13 January 2015 (Minor Revisions from 10 December 2014), pp 16. Accessible at:
2016a Tsigaris, P. and R.S. Schemenauer, 2016a: Analysis of the Air Quality and Meteorological Data from the Aberdeen Monitoring Station in Kamloops, BC, October to December 2015. Prepared for Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment Society (KPHES), 4 January 2016, pp 15. Accessible at:
2016b Tsigaris, P. and R.S. Schemenauer, 2016b: Report on the 2015 Air Quality as Measured at the Federal Building Monitoring Station in Downtown Kamloops, BC. Prepared for Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment Society (KPHES), 21 February 2016, pp 18. Accessible at:
2016c Tsigaris, P. and R.S. Schemenauer, 2016c: A Brief Comparison of the Air Quality and Meteorological Data from the Federal Building, the Aberdeen Monitoring Station in Kamloops, BC, and the KGHM Ajax Upwind Station. Prepared for Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment Society (KPHES), 9 April 2016, pp 10. Accessible at:
2017 Tsigaris, P. and R.S. Schemenauer, 2017: The July and August 2017 Wildfire Smoke Events in Kamloops, BC. Prepared for Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment Society (KPHES), 4 September 2017, pp 23. Accessible at:
2017 Calder, J., Tsigaris, P. and R.S. Schemenauer, 2017: How the July and August 2017 Wildfire Smoke Events Affected Health and Quality of Life in Kamloops, BC. Prepared for Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment Society (KPHES), 15 October 2017, pp. 13. Accessible at:
2004 Osses, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: Community based water harvesting in Sadaa Governorate, Yemen. FogQuest report for International Community Services – Yemen, April 2004, pp. 45.
2003 Leibbrand, M., R.S. Schemenauer and P. Osses: Community based water harvesting in Yemen. Report by ICS and FogQuest for the Social Fund for Development in Yemen, May 2003, pp.139.
2002 Schemenauer, R.S., J.L. Garcia and P. Osses: Evaluation of the fog collection potential on the Salagnac Plateau, Haiti. Report by FogQuest for Oxfam Quebec, 30 June 2002, pp. 40
Selected Conference Papers
2016 Schemenauer, R.S., B. Bignell and T. Makepeace: Fog Collection Projects in Nepal: 1997 to 2016. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Wroclaw, Poland 24 – 29 July 2016, pp 187-190.
2016 Schemenauer, R.S., N. Zanetta, M. Rosato and V. Carter: The Tojquia, Guatemala Fog Collection Project 2006 to 2016. 7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Wroclaw, Poland 24 – 29 July 2016, pp 210-213.
2010 Rosato, M., F. Rojas and R. Schemenauer: Not just beneficiaries: fostering participation and local management capacity in the Tojquia fog-collection project, Guatemala. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany, 25-30 July, pp. 248-251.
2007 Schemenauer, R.S., M. Rosato and V. Carter: Fog collection projects in Tojquia and La Ventosa, Guatemala. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Biggs, A. and P. Cereceda, eds., La Serena, Chile, 22-27 July, pp. 383-386.
2007 Carter, V., R.S. Schemenauer, P.Osses and H. Streeter: The Atacama Desert fog collection project at Falda Verde, Chile. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Biggs, A. and P. Cereceda, eds., La Serena, Chile, 22-27 July, pp. 391-394.
2004 Osses, P., R.S. Schemenauer and M. Leibbrand: Fog collection evaluation in the Sanaa Governorate, Yemen. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Rautenbach, H. and J. Olivier, eds., Cape Town, South Africa, 11-15 October, pp. M1a-M1d.
2004 Schemenauer, R.S., P. Osses and M. Leibbrand: Fog collection evaluation and operational projects in the Hajja Governorate, Yemen. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Rautenbach, H. and J. Olivier, eds., Cape Town, South Africa, 11-15 October, pp. N2a-N2d.
2004 Garcia, J.-L., R.S. Schemenauer, M. Rosato and P. Osses: Guatemala fog collection project, 2004. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Rautenbach, H. and J. Olivier, eds., Cape Town, South Africa, 11-15 October, pp. N1a-N1d.
2003 Schemenauer, R.S., P. Cereceda and P. Osses: A review of water projects using fog collectors in Yemen, Oman and elsewhere. Sky Rivers Symposium, Zayed International Centre for Coordination and Follow-up, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 15 June 2003, pp. 9.
2001 Cereceda, P., P. Osses, H. Larrain, P. Lázaro, R. Pinto and R.S. Schemenauer: Radiation, Advective and Orographic Fog in Tarapacá Region, Chile. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds., St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 457-459.
2001 Edwards, M., P. Cereceda and R. S. Schemenauer: Community involvement in the fog-water collection system for Chungungo, Chile. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds., St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 277-279.
2001 Larrain, H., P. Cereceda, R. Pinto, P. Lázaro, P. Osses and R. Schemenauer: Archaeological observations at a coastal fog site in Alto Patache, south of Iquique, Northern Chile. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds., St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 289-292.
2001 Larrain, H., F. Velásquez, R. Pinto, P. Lázaro, P. Cereceda, P. Osses and R. S. Schemenauer: Two years of fog measurements at the site AFalda Verde@, north of Chañaral, Chile. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds., St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 223-226.
2001 Larrain, H., A. Ugarte, R. Pinto, P. Cereceda, P. Lázaro, P. Osses and R. S. Schemenauer: Three years of zoological records at a fog site at Alto Patache, south of Iquique, Chile, during AEl Niño@ and ALa Niña@ (1997-2001). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds., St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 297-300.
2001 Pinto, R., H. Larrain, P. Cereceda, P. Lázaro, P. Osses and R.S. Schemenauer: Monitoring fog-vegetation communities at a fog site in Alto Patache, south of Iquique, Northern Chile, during AEl Niño@ and ALa Niña@ events (1997-2000). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds., St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 293-296.
2001 Schemenauer, R.S., P. Osses, F. Lara, C. Zywina and P. Cereceda: Fog collection in the Dominican Republic. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds., St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 235-238.
2001 MacQuarrie, K., A. Pokhrel, Y. Shrestha, P. Osses, R.S. Schemenauer, F. Vitez, K. Kowalchuk and R. Taylor: Results from a high elevation fog water supply project in Nepal. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Puxbaum, eds., St. John=s, Canada, 15-20 July, ISBN 0-9683887-1-X, pp. 227-229.
2001 Cereceda, P., H. Larrain, P. Osses, P. Lázaro and R.S. Schemenauer: Penetración continental de la niebla de advección en Tarapacá, Chile. 8th Meeting of Latin American Geographers, 5-9 March, Santiago, Chile. Available on CD.
2001 Osses, P., P. Cereceda, R.S.Schemenauer, H. Larrain and P. Lázaro: Metodología de análisis del comportamiento de las nieblas en Chile, Perú, República Dominicana y Nepal. 8th Meeting of Latin American Geographers, 5-9 March, Santiago, Chile. Available on CD.
2001 H. Larrain, R. Pinto, P. Osses, P. Cereceda, R.S.Schemenauer, P. Lázaro and V. Hernández. La niebla y la respuesta de los seres vivos en Tarapacá. 8th Meeting of Latin American Geographers, 5-9 March, Santiago, Chile. Available on CD
2000 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: The role of Canadian institutions in the development of the fog collection technology currently being used in arid regions of the world. 8th Biennial Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies, of the Israel Association for Canadian Studies and the Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies, Jerusalem, Israel, 25‑29 June, 9 pp.
2000 Schemenauer, R.S. and P. Cereceda: The potential for the use of fog collection as a water resource in Israel. 8th Biennial Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies, of the Israel Association for Canadian Studies and the Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies, Jerusalem, Israel, 25‑29 June, 10 pp.
1999 Scott, B.F., D.C.G. Muir, C. Spencer, D.C. Mactavish, R. Schemenauer and K. Anlauf: Haloacetic acids in atmospheric water and their potential sources. Atmospheric Reactive Substances Symposium, Bayreuth, Germany, 14-16 April, poster.
1998 Eckardt, F.D. and R.S. Schemenauer: The chemistry of Namib Desert fog in comparison with coastal desert fog of Chile and Oman. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds., Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 187-190.
1998 Couture, M.D., C.M. Banic, R.S. Schemenauer, W.R. Leaitch and H.A. Wiebe: Comparison of the chemistry of fog water from mountain sites and cloud water from airborne platforms. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds., Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 109-112.
1998 Banic, C.M., R.S. Schemenauer, K.G. Anlauf and K.I.A. MacQuarrie: The role of cloud in determining ozone concentrations in the lower troposphere. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds., Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 163-166.
1998 Larrain, H., P. Cereceda, R.S. Schemenauer, P. Osses, P. Lázaro and A. Ugarte: Human occupation and resources in a fog-covered site in Alto Patache (South of Iquique, Northern Chile). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds., Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 217-220.
1998 Osses, P., P. Cereceda, H. Larrain and R.S. Schemenauer: Influence of relief on the origin and behaviour of fog at Tarapaca, Chile. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds., Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 245-247.
1998 Walmsley, J.L., W.R. Burrows and R.S. Schemenauer: Progress in the use of routine weather observations to calculate liquid water content in high-elevation fog. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds., Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 289-292.
1998 Cereceda, P. and R.S. Schemenauer: Fogwater collection at El Tofo, Chile and other coastal sites in South America and Arabia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds., Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 409-411.
1998 Cereceda, P., L. Villegas, P. Osses and R.S. Schemenauer: Evaluation of the use of fog water for regeneration of arid ecosystems. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Schemenauer, R.S. and H. Bridgman, eds., Vancouver, Canada, 19-24 July, ISBN 0-9683887-0-1, pp. 461-463.
1998 Cereceda, P., P. Osses, H. Larrain, P. Lázaro and R.S. Schemenauer: Diferencias y similitudes niebla entre Iquique y Mejía. Fourth Latin American Congress on Ecology and Second Peruvian Ecological Congress, Arequipa, Peru, 20-25 October, xx-xx.
1998 Cereceda, P., P. Osses, H. Larraín, C. Tesser and R.S. Schemenauer: La vegetación del desierto costero de Tarapacá y su relación con los factores de presencia de niebla. XII Congreso Nacional de Geografía y V de Cartografía, Santiago, Chile, October, 11 pp.
1998 Cereceda, P., P. Osses, H. Larraín, L. Fuentes and R.S. Schemenauer: Estudio fitogeografico de un tillandsial de la cordillera de la costa de Iquique. XII Congreso Nacional de Geografía y V de Cartografía, Santiago, Chile, October, 11 pp.
1997 Bridgman, H.A., J.L. Walmsley and R.S. Schemenauer: Estimating the spatial distribution of fogwater and acid ion deposition in mountainous terrain. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Monitoring and Prediction of Acid Rain, Seoul, Korea, September 29 – October 1, 63-68.
1997 Cereceda, P., Osses, P., Osses, F., Larrain, H., Pinto, R.,, Farias, M.,, Lagos, M. And R. Schemenauer: The importance of fog for arid and semiarid ecosystems and as an economical and social water resource. Workshop: Promoting best practices for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity of global significance in arid and semi-arid zones, Chile, December 1997.
1996 Anlauf, K.G., K.L. Hayden, N.B. Trivett, R.S. Schemenauer and M.F. Watt: Comparison of surface ozone measurements and trends at several sites in Canada. AGU Meeting, 15-19 December, San Francisco.
1992 Schemenauer, R. S. and P. Cereceda, 1992: The use of fog for groundwater recharge in arid regions. Beijing, China, 16 – 20 August, 1992, pp 84-91.
Selected Earlier Conference Papers
1987 Schemenauer, R.S. and K.G. Anlauf: Geographic variation of ozone concentrations at high and low elevation rural sites in Quebec. North American Oxidant Symposium, Quebec City, Canada, 25-27 Feb., 412-429, 1987.