Next Conference.
The next conference will be held in 2026 in a location to be announced.
Past Conferences
9th International Conference of Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 23 – 28 July, 2023
Details about that conference are linked here. The conference series, is now conducted under the auspices of the International Fog and Dew Association (IFDA). It aims to foster exchange and cross-fertilization of ideas on topics related to fog, fog collection and dew.
Dr. Jeff Collett, the conference chair writes: The conference had 134 registered attendees from 27 countries and many additional guests. More than 40 of the conference participants were students – a great turnout and a positive sign for the future of the field. Funding from NSF helped bring 14 students to the conference. The conference followed the tradition set in the first conference in the series, with a midweek excursion, and an evening banquet with live music as highlights of the week. The excursion to Rocky Mountain National Park went well and featured beautiful scenery, some wildlife sightings, a mountain thunderstorm with graupel, and good conversation. The banquet was set in a wonderful space high in the CSU football stadium with one side overlooking the field and the other facing the mountains.
8th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew
The 8th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection & Dew was held in Taiwan in July of last year. It was a very successful and well attended conference with a wide variety of topics presented and discussed in a number of lectures and plenary sessions. The conference attendance is about 150 and presents an excellent opportunity for attendees to get to know one another. FogQuest Executive Director Robert Schemenauer attended, as did FogQuest volunteer Byron Bignell, who presented a paper entitled “The Social Contexts of Fog Water Project Success & Failure.” They personally paid their own travel costs.
This was the eighth in a series of conferences that was initiated in 1998 by Robert Schemenauer to bring together people in the scientific and development fields who have a wide variety of interests and knowledge related to fog. The first conference was in Vancouver, Canada on the West Coast in 1998 and the second conference was in St. John’s, Newfoundland on the East Coast in 2001. Dew was formally added to the conference name, joining the topics fog and fog collection and the successful conference series moved to Cape Town, South Africa in 2004, La Serena, Chile in 2007, Münster, Germany in 2010, Yokohama, Japan in 2013, Wroclaw, Poland in 2016 and Taipei in 2019.
The next conference will be in Fort Collins, Colorado in 2023 and we hope to see some of you there presenting results of your fog collection research or field projects. The conference series is now managed by the International Fog and Dew Association (IFDA) and more information can be found on their website (fogdew.org )and will be posted on the FogQuest website as it becomes available.
The conference website, which features a photo gallery of the conference participants is linked here.
7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew
24 to 29 July 2016
Wroclaw, Poland
A very successful conference was held this summer in Poland, with about 125 delegates from about 30 countries attending. This is the seventh in a conference series that was started by Dr. Robert Schemenauer, the Executive Director of FogQuest, in 1998. The conference is not operated or sponsored by FogQuest but we endorse the efforts to enrich the knowledge base that can lead to successful uses of fog and dew as water supplies and to demonstrate to scientists working in the atmospheric sciences, as well as hydrology and related sciences, that there are important practical applications to their work.
Two papers were presented (see below) describing ongoing projects of FogQuest. One discussed the project in Tojquia, Guatemala from 2006 to 2016. The other discussed the fog collection projects in Nepal from 1997 to 2016. Dr. Robert Schemenauer attended the conference* as a representative of FogQuest and made a 15 minute presentation on the work in Nepal. Mr. Nicolas Zanetta from Chile represented both the Atacama Desert Center in Chile where he works and FogQuest where he is an important volunteer. Nicolas gave a one minute introduction to the work in Tojquia and interacted with the delegates at the associated poster paper.
The conference was a wonderful opportunity to exchange information and to meet colleagues from diverse backgrounds working in all parts of the world. It was also an opportunity to meet old friends. Pablo Osses went to Nepal almost 20 years ago to install the first small Standard Fog Collectors and to train local groups on the construction of Large Fog Collectors. He is now a Professor at the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago. Nicolas Zanetta is a young man who brings experience and great enthusiasm to our present project in Guatemala and hopefully soon to our new project in Nicaragua.
(*Dr. Schemenauer paid personally for his travel to Poland for the conference and Mr. Zanetta’s funds came from other sources. No donations to FogQuest were used for travel.)
Conference Papers Available for Download
7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew
Wroclaw, Poland 24 to 29 July, 2016
The two conference papers presented on FogQuest work in Guatemala and in Nepal can be downloaded below. The entire conference proceedings volume is also available for download here.
6th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew
2013 Yokohama, Japan
The conference venue was in one of the two brown brick buildings by the harbour in the lower left of the photo. This is a memorial building for the opening of Yokohama port and is now used for cultural activities such as theatrical presentations and exhibitions. The chair of the 2013 conference was Professor Manabu Igawa. The conference web site is linked here. This was a very successful and enjoyable meeting carried out great graciousness from the organizing committee and staff. A special issue of the journal Atmospheric Research is being prepared with selected papers from the meeting.
If you wish information on the conference, please contact Professor Igawa or a member of the organizing committee through the conference website.
5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew
2010 Muenster, Germany
The venue for the 2010 Conference was an old castle in the heart of the historic city of Muenster. The chair of the 2010 conference was Professor Otto Klemm. If you wish information on this conference, please contact Professor Klemm at: otto.klemm@uni-muenster.de. Copies of abstracts of the papers presented at the meeting are available on the conference website.
4th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew
July 2007 La Serena, Chile
The conference was held in La Serena, which is about 500 km north of the capital city of Santiago. La Serena is a old colonial city of about 250,000 people with a modern beach resort area. Despite having only about 100 mm of annual precipitation, grapes for wine as well as fruit are grown in the nearby Elqui Valley. The conference Chair, Pilar Cereceda, and the Conference Coordinator, Pablo Osses, have both been active FogQuest members. The photo above shows Pilar Cereceda (center left) and members of the conference organizing group.
For more information contact Professor Cereceda at dcereced@uc.cl
Conference Proceedings
The 430 page proceedings volume of the 4th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew is available from FogQuest. It has copies of the abstracts of all the papers presented at the conference. Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a copy
3rd International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew
11-15 October 2004 Cape Town, South Africa
View the Web site archive…
The 238 page proceedings volume of the 3rd International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew is available from FogQuest. It has copies of the abstracts of all the papers presented at the conference. Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a copy.
2nd International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection
15-20 July 2001 St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
The 536 page proceedings volume of the 2nd International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew is available from FogQuest. It has copies of the abstracts of all the papers presented at the conference. Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a copy.
1st International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection
19-24 July, 1998 Vancouver, Canada
The 512 page proceedings volume of the 1st International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew is available from FogQuest. It has copies of the abstracts of all the papers presented at the conference. Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a copy.