Category Archives: Africa

New Project – Tanzania – Fall 2012

Over the last year construction of Large Fog Collectors has proceeded in central Tanzania near Mbulu. The FogQuest fog collection technology is being used by a German NGO, ped-world, to assist villages and schools with water supplies. To date eight large fog collectors (LFCs) have been built at three sites.

LFCs in Tanzania

We don’t have specific water production figures but the results are encouraging and both the number of LFCs and the number of sites will be increased with time. This is an example of the expanding application of our technology. Staff of ped-world spent time at the field site in Morocco learning FogQuest construction techniques, gaining access to the FogQuest manual and other documents, and were sent mesh to use in the LFCs. In addition we have had numerous discussions regarding the construction of fog collectors and operation of field projects; however, the actual field work in Tanzania is funded by ped-world as part of their wider efforts in the country and is under the direction of ped-world.