Yemen – Saada Governorate 2003-2005
Fog Collection Evaluation Project
Update 2009
As noted below, the FogQuest component of this project was completed successfully and turned over to the local NGO. To the best of our knowledge no operational project using Large Fog Collectors has been undertaken; however, the data collected are important in demonstrating the large amounts of fog water that can be collected in the mountain desert, on the west coast of Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula. If anyone knows of LFCs having been built in the Saada Governorate, we would be pleased to hear from them.
Update 2005
The field measurements were successfully carried out with the SFCs at the locations chosen by FogQuest. Over the ten locations studied, the fog collection rates ranged from less than 1 L m-2 day-1 at three sites, to 2 to 5 L m-2 day-1 at six sites, and 8 L m-2 day-1 at the Assaga site at 2630 m elevation. The measurement period was the dry season from mid-January to the end of March in 2004. Generally, getting above 2000 m elevation to the 2600 to 2700 m range increased the fog water collection. The results showed that fog collection can be a very viable winter water supply for villages in the Saada Governorate. The project is now in the hands of ADRA to decide how it wishes to proceed.
Update February 2004
The project in the Saada Governorate is in the rural areas to the west of the city. The locations are high towns in spectacular rocky settings. Pablo Osses, of FogQuest, evaluated the area in January 2004 and chose the sites for the Standard Fog Collectors (SFCs). Working with staff of ICS and ADRA, ten SFCs were sited in areas that appeared to have good potential for fog collection. Results from the first days after installation were very promising and a report will be prepared after several months of field data are available. The need for clean water in the villages is very evident and hopefully the contribution of FogQuest will be able to help the people improve their daily lives.
The good results from the fog collection evaluation in the Hajja Governorate (January-March 2003), and some preliminary results from a CARE investigation in Mahwit Province (2000-2001), led to a request for an examination of the application of the technology in the Saada Governorate. This region is further north than Hajja but has similar terrain. The project is a component of a larger one, funded by USAid, being carried out by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency – Yemen as part of their Basic Health and Education (BHE) Program. The overall goal of the program is to “strengthen the capacity of Yemen communities to meet the socio-economic needs of the population.” Almost 95% of the collecting of water for the family is done by adult women and school aged girls. FogQuest will work with ADRA and International Community Services – Yemen on The Community Based Water Harvesting Initiative component of the BHE. This will include, among other things, an evaluation using Standard Fog Collectors of the availability of fog water in the Saada Governorate in the winter. More details on this work as well as photos will be added here in 2004.
Approximate location this project.