Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 23 – 28 July, 2023
Details about the conference are linked here. The conference series, is now conducted under the auspices of the International Fog and Dew Association (IFDA). It aims to foster exchange and cross-fertilization of ideas on topics related to fog, fog collection and dew.
Dr. Jeff Collett, the conference chair writes: The conference had 134 registered attendees from 27 countries and many additional guests. More than 40 of the conference participants were students – a great turnout and a positive sign for the future of the field. Funding from NSF helped bring 14 students to the conference. The conference followed the tradition set in the first conference in the series, with a midweek excursion, and an evening banquet with live music as highlights of the week. The excursion to Rocky Mountain National Park went well and featured beautiful scenery, some wildlife sightings, a mountain thunderstorm with graupel, and good conversation. The banquet was set in a wonderful space high in the CSU football stadium with one side overlooking the field and the other facing the mountains.
The next conference will be held in 2026 at a time and location to be announced.