New Overview Paper on Fog Collection, November 2010
Otto Klemm, the Chair of the 5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew that was held in Muenster, Germany, has taken the lead in preparing a paper summarizing the present status of fog collection in the world. It has been submitted to the scientific journal ERDKUNDE and is in the review process now.
The paper is:
Fog as a Fresh-water Resource: Overview and Perspectives
Contributing Scholars: Otto Klemm1, Robert S. Schemenauer, Anne Lummerich, Pilar Cereceda, Victoria Marzol, David Corell, Johan van Heerden, Dirk Reinhard, Tseggai Gherezghiher, Jana Olivier, Pablo Osses, Jamal Sarsour, Ernst Frost, María Estrela, José Valiente, Gebregiorgis Mussie Fessehaye