New project – Colombia

New Project – Colombia – March 2012

Work, led by FogQuest volunteer Jose Manuel Molina, is progressing on a new operational project in Colombia. Jose Manuel and his colleagues have previously completed some initial evaluation studies. Jose’s colleagues Andres and Conchita have installed some new Standard Fog Collectors (SFCs) this month and report very good fog collection rates. Work is at and near the KM-18 site in the Valle del Cauca near Cali. The goal is to provide water for the village at KM-18 and measurements are being done by the students at the school there. FogQuest has provided mesh for the SFCs and also funds to purchase raingauges to monitor rainfall at the sites. We also provide advice and guidance through Jose to the group in Colombia and will be involved in the operational project when funding is obtained. Your donations to assist with this project would be very helpful